Yesterday I bought a pair of ice skates. I haven't had a pair of skates in so long I can't remember. We were having a skating night for youth group at the outdoor oval at the park downtown and I wanted to skate. So, off Chris and went to look for a used pair - no luck! Our friend who owns Play It Again Sports showed me a pair of these new Jackson skates that look almost like sneakers and fit a bit like a pair of ski boots. The are so very comfortable on your feet. I did pretty good last night for not being on the ice in a LOOOOOOOng time!
Tonight Chris, Molly and I headed out with our skates to the oval. It was a beautiful, crisp, clear night. Not many people at the oval. We skated together for about 30 minutes. The quiet of the night and most noise was made by our skates on the ice and our breathing! It was awesome. We would join hands and skate, talk and skate, go fast and fling Molly forward and sometimes just skate together but not talking and enjoying just being out! We are blessed with great health, a great place to live and an incredible family! What could be better. Oh what a night!
Yesterday I bought a pair of ice skates. I haven't had a pair of skates in so long I can't remember. We were having a skating night for youth group at the outdoor oval at the park downtown and I wanted to skate. So, off Chris and went to look for a used pair - no luck! Our friend who owns Play It Again Sports showed me a pair of these new Jackson skates that look almost like sneakers and fit a bit like a pair of ski boots. The are so very comfortable on your feet. I did pretty good last night for not being on the ice in a LOOOOOOOng time!
Tonight Chris, Molly and I headed out with our skates to the oval. It was a beautiful, crisp, clear night. Not many people at the oval. We skated together for about 30 minutes. The quiet of the night and most noise was made by our skates on the ice and our breathing! It was awesome. We would join hands and skate, talk and skate, go fast and fling Molly forward and sometimes just skate together but not talking and enjoying just being out! We are blessed with great health, a great place to live and an incredible family! What could be better. Oh what a night!
sounds really fun. man i havn't been skating in a looonnngg time either.
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