Friday, September 15, 2006

OH!! What a Week!!!!!!

This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad!!!!!

It is a gorgeous sunny day!!!! It's like a summer day - 22 celcius (that's about 74 fahrenheit) There are clothes on the line and enjoyed a cup of coffee in the sun on the deck - that's the life!!!!!!

A perfect ending to a crazy week - We all survived. Monday began with school and I went to church to work on the clothing depot and cleaning out the "closet" that the clothes are stored in. After school Chris and Hannah had volleyball. 5:30 dinner and Ashleigh was off with friends. Her friend Laura came in and told us about her new hamster that her parents STRONGLY opposed to her having (due to past pet experiences), so she was looking for a home. Molly's eyes got really big and she looked at her Dad and said "Oh please, Dad". He quickly responded with "NO, we don't need another animal". Molly, the family drama queen, immediately welled up with huge tears that ran down her cheecks and she was going to make a dramatic exit from the table. As she was storming from the table she tripped on the chair, stumbled and became more upset. We could hear her up in her room weeping and wailing!!!!! Hannah then reminds me her new jeans need to be returned. I don't know what did it, but then Chris says that Molly is very responsible and it was o.k. to have the hamster (we didn't tell her though). Tuesday - school - back to the "closet" to continue organzing and sorting clothes - Chris, Hannah and Lauryn have volleyball. I pick up newest family member and bring "it" home to surprise Molly. She saw the hamster and started jumping up and down and crying and saying "I can't believe it's mine." The little thing is cute and she has done a very good job taking care of it. Dinner at 7:30. Chris misses dinner for church meeting. Hannah reminds me again - her pants need to be exchanged. Homework. Chris home around 10 and we have a bit of time before bed to sit and talk.

Wednesday - Chris has early serving practise for his team. After everyone leaves I go to computer to check on e-mails and find out our motherboard is FRIED!!!!!! I spend most of the day putting programs, etc... onto another computer we have - I hate that because it always takes so much time. I finally take the clothes off the line that I hung up on Tuesday sometime. At least I think it was Tuesday I hung them out there. Volleyball practice for everyone, supper at 5:30, homework, youth group leaders meeting, Hannah hockey game. At 10:50 p.m. I was off to work! Thankfully I was able to sleep in a little bit Wed. morning since I had to work that night. It's always so peaceful at work when everyone is sleeping. Thursday morning I go straight to bed and Chris gets girls off. Up at 2:30 p.m. and shower. When Hannah got home we were heading to the mall to FINALLY return the jeans when we realized we didn't have the van. Ashleigh had to be at work as well. Had to call for the van. Ashleigh goes to work, the other 3 have volleyball practice and I am home with Molly and the hamster - who is having a name crisis. A name can not be found to suit Molly's likings. Supper at 7:30 and right when we were about to sit down, Hannah has to leave to meet her groupies at the mall to buy a birthday present. AAAHHH!!!!!! I had a little melt down and was trying to get the girls to understand how frustrating it is to have things popped on you at the last minute - especially since it is 7:30, no one has eaten and I WAS HUNGARY!!!! Chris took her to the mall (she was mortified because we made her go in her volleyball clothes - NO SHOWER!!!!!) then picked up Ashleigh and I sat at the table until they came home to eat. Lauryn comes up and has a melt down because we were all laughing and talking about our bodies and how some are blessed in certain areas more than others. Lauryn took this personally. I had just about had enough then - trying to convince her to just relax, laugh and have fun wasn't going well and I was getting more frustrated because it was so silly. Then we all partook in a delightful, fattening, yummy dessert - I made the $1,000,000 Oat-N-Honey Pie that was on the Oprah rerun the day before. It was soooo good and everyone was happy again so then I went off to work. I haven't slept since I've been home this morning because I HAD to catch up on some housecleaning before the dust bunnies carried everything away. At 11:40 we had 20 plus high schoolers for Kraft Dinner Day and they have just left. It is always fun having the kids here and they sure eat lots of Kraft Dinner. Chris and Hannah are off to a volleyball tournament at 4 p.m. (home at 11;30 p.m.) Lauryn has practice, Ashleigh has to work, and Molly is having a friend over after school. I think tonight I will sit on the couch and drift in and out of consciousness while watching a ball game!!!!!! We'll see! I love my life!


Blogger Murray's Corner said...

haha, too funny! molly getting upset and then tripping, getting even more mad. i hope i have 4 girls! bob would love that! haha

10:02 PM  

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