Chris & Hannah at Cavendish Beach
This past week has been a blurrrrrrr.....With Hannah's birthday and her birthday party on Tuesday night, work, school supply shopping, school clothes shopping, still chauffering girls around and trying to get the laundry done. We've had a few nice days - cool - but nice so I did some gardening. Picked some beans in the garden, tomatoes and marvelled at my very pathetic beets and corn. Don't know what happened there this year!!!! We had a cold, windy but super time at our last family beach night last night. The surf was incredible (due to a storm somewhere). We even got to see a large seal upclose (he had fishing line and a hook stuck in his mouth and I think he was dying). Back at the campfire we had lots of laughs (the best about "chicken bacon" and good conversation. We stayed the longest we've stayed all year - I don't think anyone wanted it to end! I was changing calendars in residents rooms yesterday from August to September - I couldn't believe I was looking at September already!!!!! (One resident asked me if it was March yet - oh heavens no, not yet!!!)
As the first day of school quickly approaches it always makes me kinda sad! Every first day of school makes the girls another year older, a little more independent and the quietness of the house after they all leave is deafening!!!! Ashleigh will be starting 12th grade this year. The oldest - in 12th grade! It makes me look back and pray that I have made an influence - a positive one - in her life some how. I find in quite sobering. This summer we've had some honest conversations with her about how she goes about things here at home and stuff which I find tough. I want this last year of being guaranteed being at home a good one. She is an awesome, good kid that I am VERY proud of.
So, as they all walk out that door on Tuesday - I know one thing for sure - I have 4 great daughters that I am soooooo proud of. They are great, kind, friendly - AWESOME - girls! Thank the Lord for such 4 precious gifts.
Hi Michele,
You guys sure pack alot into your days!
My prayers are with your girls as they start the new school year.
Rest assured, they know they are very lucky to have you both as their parents. Your impact on them will be recognized even more as the years go by!
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