Since the last time I blogged, boy have things changed. It has been a summer of changes in the Austin household. We've had Ashleigh's prom -- which she looked gorgeous. We had a visit my very bestest friend Cindy and her husband Mike and my mom. They all were here for Ashleigh's graduation from 12th grade. It was an amazing week filled with lots of celebrations and top it off with the graduation.
This summer saw all of our girls employed - Molly even had a short term job helping her dad mow lawns. She decided that the $10 for 45 minutes of work wasn't worth what she was doing so she quite. Ashleigh worked for the government at a local nursing home doing recreation. She didn't really want to do it at first but quickly found out that she actually liked it and fell in love with some of the residents. As that job was coming to a close she decided that she wanted to work at the community living residence that I work at so she was hired as a caregiver. She does a great job and the residents love her. They love the youngsters being around and paying attention to them. Both Hannah and Lauryn work there as well. They work in the kitchen and Hannah worked a ton of hours. She has decided to take a trip like her big sister Ashleigh did this March. She is going to Spain and Morocco.
Chris, Hannah, Ashleigh and myself went with our youth group again on a Group Workcamp and it was once again - AWESOME!
In August Hannah turned 16 - can you believe it! Chris and I took her out to dinner and we came back for a party with friends and it was a great day. I think her favorite gift was her battery charger her dad bought for her - hahahah!!!!
Now we've started school and another change. We have 1 daughter in aspect of the education system. 1 in elementary school, 1 in jr. high, 1 in high school and 1 in university. Who would of thought. You can see in the pics the girls on the first day of school. I had to work on Hannah's first day and Dad forgot the pic so we'll get one of her 3rd day tomorrow.
So, now we press on and support everyone in all of their endeavors. We are in the midst of volleyball - practices, games, tournaments. Some are deciding if they will continue to other winter sports and some have already made those decisions. It is so amazing to watch these girls grow up into the incredible human beings that they are. What a blessing and an honor to be their Mom - Thank You Lord!
Since the last time I blogged, boy have things changed. It has been a summer of changes in the Austin household. We've had Ashleigh's prom -- which she looked gorgeous. We had a visit my very bestest friend Cindy and her husband Mike and my mom. They all were here for Ashleigh's graduation from 12th grade. It was an amazing week filled with lots of celebrations and top it off with the graduation.
This summer saw all of our girls employed - Molly even had a short term job helping her dad mow lawns. She decided that the $10 for 45 minutes of work wasn't worth what she was doing so she quite. Ashleigh worked for the government at a local nursing home doing recreation. She didn't really want to do it at first but quickly found out that she actually liked it and fell in love with some of the residents. As that job was coming to a close she decided that she wanted to work at the community living residence that I work at so she was hired as a caregiver. She does a great job and the residents love her. They love the youngsters being around and paying attention to them. Both Hannah and Lauryn work there as well. They work in the kitchen and Hannah worked a ton of hours. She has decided to take a trip like her big sister Ashleigh did this March. She is going to Spain and Morocco.
Chris, Hannah, Ashleigh and myself went with our youth group again on a Group Workcamp and it was once again - AWESOME!
In August Hannah turned 16 - can you believe it! Chris and I took her out to dinner and we came back for a party with friends and it was a great day. I think her favorite gift was her battery charger her dad bought for her - hahahah!!!!
Now we've started school and another change. We have 1 daughter in aspect of the education system. 1 in elementary school, 1 in jr. high, 1 in high school and 1 in university. Who would of thought. You can see in the pics the girls on the first day of school. I had to work on Hannah's first day and Dad forgot the pic so we'll get one of her 3rd day tomorrow.
So, now we press on and support everyone in all of their endeavors. We are in the midst of volleyball - practices, games, tournaments. Some are deciding if they will continue to other winter sports and some have already made those decisions. It is so amazing to watch these girls grow up into the incredible human beings that they are. What a blessing and an honor to be their Mom - Thank You Lord!